Simplicity and Humility

One of the amazing things about Live Below the Line is the incredible sense of humility I get from it each and every time…

Amazing view of the shearing shed on my sister's farm

Amazing view of the shearing shed on my sister’s farm

I would have thought by now having done an accumulative period of around 12 weeks of Live Below the Line over the years I would be expecting it or used to it but this time, just like the rest, has me full of mercy, resolve and lover of life and humanity.

Again for me it is the incredibly awe and appreciation of simplicity I get from Living Below the Line. It is a week where I eat better, walk more and have a greater appreciation of the simple and available things in like (obviously not being things!).

Can tell you the meals are pretty simple - pumpkin, potato, carrot, rice and lentils

Can tell you the meals are pretty simple – pumpkin, potato, carrot, rice and lentils

The other wonderful side-effect of LBL is the resolve of being a more active and effective global citizen. While I get the appreciation of simplicity for the week there are 1.2 billion others who live in the insecure and threating realm of simplicity because they don’t choose it and certainly not for a 5-day period as I am.

I would love for everyone to give Live Below the Line a shot – living on the extreme poverty line for your food and drink – even if just for one day. It is simply the most inspiring and insightful experience anyone in the developed minority world can have in their own country to understand how the majority of the world lives – remembering that the challenge is set at the peak price of extreme poverty and only for food and drink while the 1.2 billion people who actually live in extreme poverty would be anywhere below that mark and forever.IMG_1220

In the four years of being a part of the Live Below the Line campaign the World Bank statistics have dropped from 1.4 billion to 1.2 billion, that is a drop of 200 million people who now have at least basic access to food, water, shelter, education and healthcare. I know that I have been a part of that in some small way, even just learning for myself what it means to Live Below the Line but I hope others get to join the movement that can see an end to extreme poverty within a generation – because it needs you!

Happy, simply, inspired, a little hungry and resolved to do whatever I can to see an end to extreme poverty…