That special kind of feeling… (travel & Africa)

Almost all of my ideas and inspirations for Happy-simply have come from travelling and Africa – here is why…

Living Geography with d'Arcy

There are actually a couple special kinds of feelings I want to look at in this one. They are both related to travel however.

The first is the feeling I get of being in a new country.

20170914_140254 My first time in Liberia and West Africa. I love how different a street can look and feel from one country to the next…

The pattern is remarkably similar for each new country where I am a kiddy in a candy store for the first three days with sensory overload but a continuous beaming smile on my face. After the first few days, and usually some long walks creating my own motion animation or documentary of the new people and place that I am a part of, I settle into the details. It is then a fun discovery of listening, learning, observing, guessing and trying to tap into the beats of daily life…

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