Happy Simply SA in Pictorial/Photo Form

Hi Folks. So this blog site will be kept up on an occasional basis from here on but I thought it would be nice to dedicate the second to last post on a pictorial look at the Happy, simply build in South Australia…

The next post (on the booking process for the Happy, simply home in SA) will be a last one in a little while as I am going on a 1500km walk in Japan for an idea I call Teaspoons of Change… which are personal choices, decisions and actions that have a positive impact on people and the planet one teaspoon at a time… http://teaspoonsofchange.wordpress.com/  https://www.facebook.com/teaspoonsofchange

Enjoy the photos from before to after of the Happy, simply home in South Australia!HS SA HS SA (1) HS SA (2) HS SA (3) HS SA (4) HS SA (5) HS SA (6) HS SA (7) HS SA (8) HS SA (9) HS SA (10) HS SA (11) HS SA (12) HS SA (13) HS SA (14) HS SA (15) HS SA (16) HS SA (17) HS SA (18) HS SA (19) HS SA (20) OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA HS SA (24) HS SA (25) HS SA (26) HS SA (27) HS SA (28) HS SA (29) HS SA (30) DCIM100GOPRO HS SA (32) HS SA (33) HS SA (34) HS SA (35) HS SA (36) HS SA (37) HS SA (38) HS SA (39) HS SA (40) HS SA (41) HS SA (42) HS SA (43) HS SA (44) HS SA (45) HS SA (46) HS SA (47) HS SA (48) HS SA (49) HS SA (50) HS SA (51) HS SA (52) HS SA (53) HS SA (54) HS SA (55) HS SA (56) HS SA (57) HS SA (58) HS SA (59) HS SA (60) HS SA (61) HS SA (62) HS SA (63) HS SA (64) HS SA (65) HS SA (66) HS SA (67) HS SA (68) HS SA (69) HS SA (70) HS SA (71) HS SA (72) HS SA (73) HS SA (74) HS SA (75) HS SA (76) HS SA (77) HS SA (78) HS SA (79) HS SA (80) HS SA (81) HS SA (82) HS SA (83) HS SA (84) HS SA (85)

Happy, simply House (warming) Freezing

Day 22 House warming (16)

Not the warmest day in Aldinga ever but the warmth from the community, participants and supporters made it the warmest possible house warming ever…

Day 22 House warming (12)

The temperature was the only indication of the home freezing as it was insulated, warm and loved to make it toasty in and around. I couldn’t imagine anything that could have been warmer and more human than celebrating a community to come together for over a month to recognise the experience – and by the way there was also a home that was a bi-product of that process to show for it…

I know I will sound a little delusional and that usually happens when I am at 10,000 feet on my way from or two my next chapter of life, as I am writing this on a plane back to my ‘normal’ world of global awareness education and social justice.

The house warming day saw the Happy, simply volunteers building feverishly to try and finish as much as possible before the 11am champagne brunch and the 12 open-house celebration. By 11am we were still putting in the floor, adjusting tanks and constructing a temporary front deck but regardless of how complete we were we put tools down at noon to join a bunch of supporters, family and others to stop time and take note of the wonderful contribution of humans to put together a community project that produced a self-sufficient home.

This is what Happy, simply epitomises for me – bringing community, collectivism, cooperation, connection together to create shared time and experiences. Anyone who has ever done something collectively will know the post reflection and recognition of what was achieved when people come together behind a shared goal, identity or project.

For me the best things in life are not things and I have never seen Happy, simply as a project to build a house it is a community project to create an opportunity to learn, share and interact with people, a project to build a community – that happens to produce a house.

Day 22 House warming (13)
I love the Happy, simply home not because it is beautiful or a tangible object that I will live in and share with others but because it was made with others who got to know each other and create quality rich experiences and friendships.

At this point I could go into a big Oscar speech of listing people, thanking them and being acknowledged myself but anyone who was a part of the Happy, simply experience – weather following online, making food for the project, donating materials, donating their skills and expertise or being there to use their hands and head to produce the home all walk away with some form of self-appreciation for their part in the Happy, simply project.

Day 22 House warming (11)

Popping the cork to ‘officially’ (prematurely) open the Happy, simply South Australia home!

We were all just as important and insignificant as each other and we now have something to show for our combined time and efforts that not only means something to us but to anyone who interacts with Happy, simply – a sustainable lifestyle model and education project.

Enough rare-air rambling but I can say I am extremely thankful to all who have been a part of the experience and feel proud in what we have achieved but best of all is I walk away with a group of new friends and a rich experience that will last with me for a lifetime.

Day 22 happy simply family

Infinite gratitude, love, happiness and thanks to all who have stepped into the Happy, simply space in the past 6-8 weeks – time for me to step away from the building space and back into the comforts of education, empowerment, global citizenship and youth inspiration for seeing an end to extreme poverty and a happy simple world for all.

Super thanks to all and I’ll follow up with a more practical blog on where to from here for the Happy, simply South Australia home…

Day 22

If you want to keep in touch with my propaganda in my other life of global education and social justice…

Please feel free to use any ideas, resources, information and inspiration from Happy, simply and just get in touch if there is anything specific you would like to know…

Clad Outside and In!

We have nailed and screwed in the last piece of cladding (probably to be unnailed or screwed later) and it feels like some kind of accomplishment!

Sam putting in the last nail of the inside cladding!!!

Sam putting in the last nail of the inside cladding!!!

In the end the inside is half plasterboard and half western red cedar tongue and groove cladding. I wish I could share with you the smell of the home now that it is half clad in the sweet aromas of cedar like a Swedish sauna – see the photos of the sauna corner…

Now with inside clad and window and door frames done we can plaster, paint, put in the floor and we will almost have a home ready to live in!

Day 17 (8)We are still lacking a couple of decks with verandas, a toilet room, gutter and water tank, outside edge flashing, solar power set up and a few other things but we are nearly there… Volunteers and builders still welcome!

Only a few more days of doing what we can so come join in or come see what stage we get to by Sunday for the Happy, simply  Open Day: https://www.facebook.com/events/1434264183502485/

Also I must mention Beau’s day of nail-gunning and power-sawing. Having given him mission impossible yesterday to make a box out of ply and awkward L-brackets he was the man of powertools today – not only that but he always prepares lunch, runs around and make countless calls, emails and requests to support the Happy, simply home build – this build would have been totally impossible without him and his two ladies, wife and daughter…

The background glue and no more gaps of the Happy, simply home - Beau!

The background glue and no more gaps of the Happy, simply home – Beau!

Farewell but big thanks Heathfield students

Day 12 (3)A bunch of progress today with many thanks and warm farewell to the Heathfield High students.

It has been great to have the Heathfield students on the build for three weeks. They have been patient, self-motivating, skilled, respectful and keen to be a part of the project just as much as any other volunteers.

Day 12 (2)

Big thanks to Phil the builder and Kieran the teacher for bringing this rich element to the project.

AAEV Day 06 (12)

Today’s jobs to tick off the list:

  • Roof Check mark symbol
  • outside iron cladding Check mark symbol
  • roof insulation Check mark symbol
  • start on inside lining Check mark symbol
  • frame for front deck Check mark symbol
  • painting barge-boards Check mark symbol
  • caulking and painting front windows Check mark symbol
  • finishing 2 out of 3 doors with inside door stops Check mark symbol
  • inside bed frame and playing around with internal layout Check mark symbol
  • great people doing great things Check mark symbol

It is worth taking note of the project’s movements from now till June 23… Hope to see you out there or following online (probably not daily like till now but frequently):

  • tomorrow (Wednesday) – building all day
  • Thursday 12 June – till 12.30pm
  • Friday 13 June – no building but have the Happy, simply presentation 6-7pm with Adelaide City Council, Adelaide Sustainable Building Network (ASBN) and others at the Adelaide City Library – public event, all welcome and extras. Details:https://www.facebook.com/events/1427638847508663/?fref=ts Then going for a beer at the Metro Hotel on Gouger St after
  • Sat / Sun / Mon 14/15/16 June building all day and would dearly love a builder to come join us for those days for a few tips and advice but we can handle most of the to do list
  • Tues 17 ABC are visiting and doing some filming at 1pm so come round if you wish and represent the volunteers! We will be building all day as well.
  • Wed 18 June half day till 3pm, Thursday 19 June half day after 12pm
  • Fri / Sat / Sun 20/21/22 Building all day and hopefully bloody finished! Probably also running a solar workshop on the Sunday…
  • The house warming (finished or not) will be a Champaign Brunch on Sunday 22 June from 11am!!!

I depart Australia Monday 23 June but sure to be a few ongoing things to do as well as open for people to stay once completed!!!


Piece by piece – it takes a community to build a (tiny) home

Day 11 (9)

Happy, simply is pulling together nicely. Each cut, hammer, screw, fierce-out bashing and piece by piece the home is moving towards the finish line (the outside at least!).

Progress is going along slowly but beautifully. We have a great blend of inexperienced volunteers all having a go and trying to make it work mixed with some people in the know who are wonderful at directing, advising, sharing and doing the finer points as well as actually knowing what they are doing – or showing that impression!

Happy, simply now has 2 out of 3 doors!, a little more cladding, an interior custom bed frame, the making of a back deck and is ready to receive a roof!

The photos are back down on the ground and a wonderful new set of volunteers about the place over the past few days, mixed with the old reliables!

Only a couple of days away from moving the building into the inside and looking forward to the students from Heathfield tomorrow…

Day 11 (5)

Earned another man badge today using an angle grinder – luckily I had my safety shorts on…

Happy, simply Dance Floor!

The SA Happy, simply home has a dance floor!

A great day of building, community and progress. We had a bunch of keen volunteers who all contributed to framing, floor wrapping, floor insulation and floor covering leaving the day with a completed dance floor!

Tomorrow we will be erecting the framing and getting ready to raise the roof with the school students on Tuesday! (please note and roll your eyes at the double pun in the last sentence).

It also seems we have most of what we wanted on our wish list and while this time it has been a little tough and tense asking people for things human nature and generosity has shone through again – that is a whole other blog as is a blog on the incredible wrap for the home we are using…

For tonight just enjoy the dance floor and Dani and Sam using it to its full potential!

Day 3 – rain only adds sunshine to the Happy, simply community project!

Day three a wee wet but not in the sense of community, learning, sharing and building!

AAEV Day 03 (3)

From midday we moved indoors to the lovely community shed space of Aldinga Arts EcoVillage (AAEV) to complete the two smaller end wooden frames…

A day of calculations, cutting, re-calculations, re-cutting and some wall skeletons!

AAEV Day 03 (4)

To be continued tomorrow and everyday until completion! Be sure to come out to see us and join in…AAEV Day 03 (1)

The wonderful thing is seeing the Happy, simply family continued to get closer and happier with conversations, thoughts, laughs, perspectives and connections. This is the part of the project I like best as it is a wonderful ecosystem of learning, doing something together and wanting to be there for all different reasons but with one simple common goal..

AAEV Day 03See you tomorrow…?

Back to the Build (tomorrow)!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHi Folks and a Happy, simply happy day to you all!

We are back building again tomorrow. I have to say we are still struggling to find all the bits and pieces but at least know where we can buy them as we need them… so still keep an eye out for materials – see below but in particular plywood sheets, insulation and roof rafters.

Building will now be everyday till completion (hopefully June 9!). Tomorrow and for a couple of days will be putting the wall frames together and then we move into wrapping the building with our amazing gor-tex like wrap from Laros. From there is it a matter of outside cladding, roofing, windows, doors, insulation, inside cladding, solar and more…!

A reminder of important info for volunteering:OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

  • Start time 9am at Clematis Walk at the Aldinga Arts EcoVillage (AAEV) https://goo.gl/maps/3c3rk
  • Days are usually 9-4
  • We have an empty house in Willunga for people to stay (with electricity and water) just need to bring your camping gear (bedding) with you and let me know if you are staying so I can keep track of how many
  • We have heaps of soup and bread for lunch each day (vegetarian) but bring other food if you need/want and snacks and stuff if you need/want
  • Bring tools with you if you have them
  • Bring gloves, safety glasses, ear protection, closed shoes, suncream, etc with you if you have them – shoes and gloves as a minimum
  • Call out if you need a lift from Adelaide and see if others can answer your call

Let me know if you still have any more questions and keep up to date with the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/happysimplysa/ and/or blog https://happysimply.wordpress.com and did you see the youtube clips Mike has been putting up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iik0JVCIK3o

Take a look at the wish list below and get in touch if you need more info or have any questions!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Looking forward to seeing you there tomorrow and beyond!

Happy, simply


The Wish List! As at Wednesday 28 May

Need Have Wish list







3@2700x90x45 (got them I think)

7@2400x90x45 (got them I think)









2@2100x90x45 (got them I think)


16@2400×120 or greater x35 or greater


9 – 16@2400×120 (or greater) x 35 (or greater) (need)

Roof battens



6@4800x70x35 (or 45) (need)

Lintels – Think if needed can use random lengths of 120×35
Noggins – Not sure if what is left to be enough. But if not we need 13.2m of 90×45  

13.2m of 90×45 (got them I think)

Ply bracing



OR 14@2400x1200x5-11


2@2400x1200x5-11mm (need)

8@2700x1200x5-11mm (don’t think they exist in 2700 so extra 12@2400)

Ply ceiling



4@2400x1200x5-11mm (need)

External battens

22@2700 70×35

10@2400 70X35


22@2700 70×35 or smaller section (need)

10@2400 70X35 or smaller section (need)

Insulation Floor only Need for walls and ceiling (need)

14 L / U shape brackets



14 L shape brackets or U shaped brackets 100mmx50mm (need)

Bolts (galvanized)



46 washers

None (need)



Bolts and washers mush suit brackets

Bugle screws

Box 100@100mm

None Bugle screws (need)

Box 100@100mm

3x bugle driver bits None 3x bugle driver bits (need)
Big box 30mm galvanized clouts None Box 30mm galvanized clouts (need)
3x roofing screw driver bits None 3x roofing screw driver bits (need)
Big box of 90mm galv nails None Big box of 90mm galv nails (need)

Nuts, Bolts and Extra

  • Grey calking for corrugated iron around windows and doors
  • Whirlybird to extract hot air from roof
  • A single window that can open, dimensions 200mm x 600-800mm (or something similar) basically a longish horizontal window, again we will try and find second hand
  • 4 x axle stands 1500kg or above and best if second hand
  • Solar adaptor and converter
  • Solar batteries – 7amp closed cell batteries
  • Masks
  • Disposable suits for insulation
  • Chalk line and some chalk for chalk lines
  • Some more drills
  • Hand saws
  • Squares for drawing 90 degree angles
  • Misc drill bits
  • Spanners/ shifter for bolts
  • Straight edge 3m long

Day 3 – Community Comes Together

After a few days of being rejected by most of the calls and emails I have put out in the world to lighten the burden of landfill and get leftover materials for the build – today was a wonderful day!

AAEV Day 01 (1)
Around 12 of us came together to spend the day together and also do a bit of building and in the end we have a floor to build a home on!

AAEV Day 01 (9)

It was a brilliant day with a mix of learning, thinking, sharing, interacting, trying, conversing, helping, doing, watching and the perfect atmosphere of strangers coming together to learn and share.

AAEV Day 01 (8)

AAEV Day 01 (4)

For me at least this is primarily a community project than a building project and day was a huge success in that regard. A bonus was it was also a great success in a building sense!

AAEV Day 01Julian stepped into the frame as main builder and teacher who shared his knowledge and experience with others allowing them to use drop saws for the first time or for all us produce a sub floor on an old caravan trailer.

The photos tell a story as will the time-lapse cameras once we have extracted what they captured today!

For those following this from South Australia please note the build is postponed until Friday 30 May next week till we get more materials and I’ve had a chance to see if there is a big pile of leftovers out there waiting for us! The new timeline looks like we will finish up on probably Wednesday/Thursday 11/12 June not Monday 9 June as first thought so reset your clocks for that timeline.

It’s a beautiful day to be with a group of people building a Happy, simply home! Seeya Friday 🙂  ???

Big thanks to all the volunteers today and the cooks, donations, support, tools, advice and more!

Day 2 – Trailer passes bill of good health

Unfortunately the Heathfield High boys on this day weren’t able to push the caravan off its base and other such slightly dramatic jobs but they again did a top job of getting in and doing what was needed in preparing the trailer for construction to start on the weekend.

02 pre build day 2

02 pre build day 2 (3)Groups of students worked on a variety of jobs. One group pulled apart the shell of the caravan stripping the metal from the vynal and styrofome cladding – which gives me hope that whatever we build will be stronger than that! Another group set about framing windows and the last group were on trailer detail of getting all the dirt and muck off the trailer and then applying antirust paint.

02 pre build day 2 (1)

We turned the trailer over onto its back to have a good look over it and also had a visit from an engineer who gave the trailer a general all clear which was a big relief. With the trailer on its back we gave it a good scratching on a few rust spots as well.

By the end of the day we also had a few frames measured and put together for the outside shelter for the toilet that will go on the back deck.

Again see the time-lapse of the day below and starting Saturday 24 May(tomorrow) we will have our band of building volunteers preparing the dance floor and start the building up!


Come join us for a look or get involved and see the Facebook page for more detail: https://www.facebook.com/groups/happysimplysa/